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Learn through a step-by-step curriculum
Take our free quiz to see which level you should start with.
Level 1. The Fundamental Elements of Music
Level 2. Introduction to Harmony and Rhythm
Level 3. Unlocking Major Key Harmony
Level 4. Why is Rhythm So Important?
Level 5. Chord Progressions Explained

Quentin Angus
Dr. Quentin Angus is the head of the jazz department at BMCC in New York City and has taught thousands of guitarists how to decode music theory.
Quentin has performed and recorded extensively as a jazz artist and is widely regarded as one of the top jazz instructors in the world today.
Throughout five extensive levels of this Bootcamp, he'll break down the same concepts that are taught at top music colleges all over the world. Quentin has designed this course specifically for guitarists so that everything you learn can be directly applied to your fretboard.
What’s in every Pickup Music membership?
- All-inclusive access to over 500 lessons
- Interactive TAB, backing tracks, and class notes with every lesson
- Learn blues, jazz, R&B, neo soul, pop, funk, classical, and theory
- HD videos and multi-camera angles for enhanced learning
- Get custom learning support from our team of pro guitarists
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Frequently asked questions
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Where should I start in the Bootcamp?
Who is this Bootcamp for?
How long will each level take me to complete?
What if I need to take a day off?
What is included in my Pickup Music membership?
Is it easy to cancel my membership?
What makes Pickup Music better than other guitar lesson sites?
What are the differences between a monthly and annual membership?
How long are the lessons? How long will it take me to complete them?
Do I have to complete the lessons within a specific time frame?
Is there a limit to how many times I can watch a lesson?
Can I buy lessons individually?
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